Electric.ie March/April 2023

ELECTRIC.IE • The Magazine & Website for the Irish Electrical Industry • 49 Friday 31th March - The K Club - South Course - Tee Times 12.20 to 14.10 (Sponsored by BG Sync EV) Friday 14th April - Arklow Golf Club - Tee Times 13.00 onwards (Sponsored by Kellihers Electrical) Friday 28th April - Castleknock Golf Club - Tee Times 13.30 to 15.50 Incorporating the Peter Church Trophy (Sponsored by LEDVANCE) Friday 26th May - Rathsallagh Golf Club - Tee Times 12.30 to 14.20 (Sponsored by CEF) Friday 16th June - Killeen Castle Golf Club - Tee Times 13.10 onwards (Sponsored by Edmundson/Eastern/EWL Electrical) Friday 21st July - The Heritage Golf Club - Tee Times 13.00 onwards (Sponsored by Hager) Friday 25th August - Headfort Golf Club, New Course - Tee Times 13.00 onwards (Sponsored by Custom Electronics) Keith Haslam Captain's Weekend Slieve Russell Hotel Golf & Country Club Friday 15th September - Gay Byrne President's Prize (Sponsored by EIFI) Saturday 16th September - Keith Haslam Captain's Prize (Sponsored by AP Haslam/All Cables) www.eigsi.ie Golf Golf Fixtures for 2023 Golf - EIGSI welcome new members In the last issue of ELECTRIC.ie the EIGSI in conjunction with the EIFI gave a shout out for new members in order to re-vitalise the golfing society after a difficult few years throughout the covid pandemic. Want to Play Golf? Come and Join Us! The response has been fabulous. There has been a lot of interest from newcomers as well as seasoned golfers. The EIGSI have set up a new e-mail address. If interested in joining / playing in the fixtures below, please contact them at this address: bookings@eigsi.ie The EIGSI Golf Society hosts 9 outings per year with the season starting in March each year and culminating with the final two outings being held over two days in September at the Captains Weekend. The society is a social tool for golfers within the electrical industry.