ELECTRIC.IE • The Magazine & Website for the Irish Electrical Industry • 7 Has an electrical contractor’s role changed much since you first set up SCES? Massively. I was a one-man band when I first set up SCES in 2012, doing mainly domestic work on one off houses, extensions, call outs and breakdowns. Fast forward 10 years and we currently have a team of twelve guys on the ground direct, two in the office, one Quantity Surveyor, and a team of Subcontractors. Unfortunately, I don’t get to be on the tools half as much I would like anymore, and I found that very difficult, as I love being hands on in our installations. But when I do get to work on the tools, I love every minute of it. More so, if I have a set of the infamous (blue) Hager screwdrivers in my hands! In recent years we have all had a lot to deal with, increased cost of living, cost of material, pandemics and a labour shortage throughout the entire construction sector. The electrical contractor now has a big role to play in the designs of the projects and it is great to see design teams taking on board what we have to say with regards the use of new products and materials to make the job faster, cheaper and more productive. What advice would you give apprentices starting out in this industry? This is a tough one… here’s what I think is helpful: - Learn to walk before you can run in this industry - Don’t stop asking questions (you will never know everything about the electrical industry, and neither will any of us, so always seek information) - If you are working within a progressive company with good mentors don’t chase the next 50c or euro by jumping to another company where you won’t get that training and experience. - Invest in your tools from very early on. Buy once and buy right. I still have my very first multimeter I bought in 1st year in 2007, and it continues to work perfectly. - In my personal opinion, the electrical trade is one of the best apprenticeships out there. The options you have once you qualify are endless. Your trade will be invaluable to you forever. How do you think the global drive towards energy efficiency is affecting the industry in Ireland? It is definitely going in the right direction. You can see that by the vast number of renewables that people and businesses are putting in. We have installed solar photo voltaic and storage on our own offices and stores to try and curtail the spiralling costs of energy. We are entering a different era with regards renewable energy and energy efficiency and that can only be a good thing for our industry as we will all need to diversify with it and learn more about how best to do it. Hager Invicta Distribution Board Installation by Shane Casey r winner! 022 was held in January was the industry’s time to e Hager installations. way sts first, ed r work on. st, n sing oin an bernai, nd ented; t hold on se r nt Kevin Curran interviewed Shane Casey to get an insight into Shane’s working life: Congratulations Shane, on winning Hager Ireland’s Install of the Year competition. The response to the competition has been extremely positive. How did it feel to be voted Hager Ireland’s Install of the Year? It was great to have been voted Hager Install of the Year, it’s a great recognition to get from a fantastic brand. Also, it was fantastic to think that the voters throughout social media took the time to give us their vote, as there was some great competition throughout the finalists. Do you think standards in the industry are improving and that el ctrical contractors are incre singly intere ted in the quality of work that is being done? I would say it is definitely goi g in the right direction. Luckily, I think that the younger generation of apprentice and el ctricians re cert inly taking a lot of pride in their work. And I think Hager’s ins all of the month incentive really brings tha to life, w n the guys and girls tag that in their social media posts, you know th have put their h art and s ul into trying their level b st to do a fantastic job of th install they are carrying out. Obviously, there is plenty of room to improv , in certain reas of the trade, but all in all, I think Ireland would have one of the best standards to work and thrive towards, among other countries. Placeholder for image 2/27/2023 12:34:31 PM Has an electrical contractor’s role ha g d much since you first set up SCES? Massively. I was a one-man b nd when I first set up SCES in 2012, doing mainly domestic work on one off houses, extensions, call outs and br akdowns. Fast forward 10 years and we currently hav a team of twelv guys on the ground direct, two in the office, one Quantity Surveyor, and a team of Subcontractors. Unfortunately, I don’t get to be on the tools half as much I would like anymore, and I found that very difficult, as I love being hands on in our installations. But when I do get to work on t tools, I love every minute of it. More so if I have a set of the infamous (blue) Hager screwdrivers in my hands! In recent years we have all had a lot to deal with, increased cost of living, cost of material, pandemics, and a labor - Don’t stop asking questions (you will never know everything about the ele trical industry, and neither will any of us, so always seek information). - If you are working within a progressiv company with good mentors, don’t cha e the next 50c or euro by jumpi g to another company where you won’t get that training and experience. - Invest in your tools from very early on. Buy once and buy right. I still h ve my very first multimeter I bought in first ear in 2007, and it continues to work perfectly. - In my personal opinion, the electrical trade is one of the best apprenticeships out there. The options you have once you qualify are endless. Your trade will be invaluable to you forever. How do you think the global drive towards energy Hager Invicta Distribution Board Installation by Shane Casey Has an electrical contractor’s role changed much since you first set up SCES? Massively. I was a one-man band when I first set up SCES in 2012, doing mainly domestic work on one off houses, extensions, call outs and breakdowns. Fast forward 10 years and we currently have a team of twelve guys on the ground direct, two in the office, one Quantity Surveyor, and a team of Subcontractors. Unfortunately, I don’t get to be on the tools half as much I would like anymore, and I found that very difficult, as I love being hands on in our installations. But when I do get to work on the tools, I love every minute of it. More so if I have a set of the infamous (blue) Hager screwdrivers in my hands! In recent years we have all had a lot to deal with, increased cost of living, cost of material, pandemics, and a labor shortage throughout the entire construction sector. The electrical co tractor now has a key role to play in the designs of the p ojects and it is great to see design teams taking on board what we ave to say with regards the use of new products and materials t make the job faster, che per, and more productive. What advice would you give apprentices starting out in this industry? This is a tough one… here’s what I hink is h lpful: - Learn to walk b fore y can run in this industry. - Do abo alw - If y goo to a and - Inv righ in 2 - In m app qua you How efficie It is d the va puttin our ow of ene We ar and e indus about Hager Invicta Distribution Board Installation by Shane Cas Install of th Year.indd 2 Has an electrical co tr ctor’s role changed much since you first set up SCES? Mas ively. I was a one- n band wh n I first set up SCES in 2012, doing mainly dom s ic w rk on one off houses, extension , call outs and breakdowns. Fast forward 10 years and we cu rently have a team of twelve guys on the ground dir ct, tw in the office, o e Quantity Surv yor, and a tea of Subc tractors. Unfortun t ly, I don’t get to be on the tools half as much I would like anymor , and I fou d t at v ry difficult, as I love being hands on in our installations. But when I d get to work on the to ls, I love every minute of it. More so if I ve a set of the infamous (blue) Hager screwdrivers in my hands! In rec nt years we have all had a lot to deal with, increased cost of living, cost of material, pandemics, and a labor shortage throughout the entire construction sector. The electrical contract r now h s a key role to play in the - Don’t stop asking qu tions (you will nev r know ev rything about the electrical industry, and neither will any of us, so always seek information). - If you are working within a progressive company with goo mentors, do ’t c ase the next 50c or euro b jumping to another company whe e you won’t get that training and experi nce. - Invest in your tools from very early n. Buy nce and buy right. I still have y ve y first multimeter I bought in first year in 2007, and it continues to work perfectly. - In my personal opinion, the electrical trade is one of the est app ntic ships out there. The options you have onc you qualify are e less. Your r de ill be invaluable to you forever. How do you think the global driv towards energy efficiency is affecting the industry in Ireland? It is definitely going in the right direction. You can see that by the vast number of renewables that p ople nd businesses are Hager Invicta Distribution Board Installation by Shane Casey