The Phoenix Contact Infoliner visited Ireland in May, travelling far and wide, it stopped off at a range of specifiers, end users and OEM’s around the country before arriving for an open day at the company’s new state-of-the art showroom and offices at
Calmount Park, Ballymount in Dublin.
A versatile portfolio of products from this industrial automation Conal O’Reilly, Sales Engineer and interconnection solutions company were on display. The theme of the show was “Efficiency in Cabinet Building”. On display was the Quint UPS IQ Industrial DC UPS system, an extensive range of Electronic Circuit Protection Devices, Remote Communication
Infrastructure with modem, firewall and network components.
Also on display was a range of functional safety equipment and a range of both automatic and hand-operated tools.
Conal O’Reilly, the Phoenix Contact Sales Engineer, was on hand to demonstrate some of the products.
Of particular interest was the portable automatic stripping and crimping device, the Crimphandy. This incredible battery-operated portable handheld machine allows you to strip and crimp your conductors in under two seconds. Automatic monitoring functions always guarantee the best and highest quality crimping. Perfect for panel manufacturing, it comes with a large strip of 1.5 ferrules, packed in a robust case.