The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, has announced new building regulations that will require Electric Vehicle (EV) recharging infrastructure be installed in new homes to enable future installation of EV recharging points.
The regulations will apply to:
- new dwelling houses with a parking space located within the boundary of the dwelling
- new multi-unit residential buildings
- multi-unit residential buildings undergoing major renovation where the car park is located inside or adjacent to the building, and where renovations include the car park or the electrical infrastructure of the building or car park
There are currently over 45,000 EVs registered on Irish roads. The Climate Action Plan commits to increasing the fleet of EVs and low emitting vehicles to 945,000 in order to meet the required level of emissions reduction by 2030. Transport accounts for approximately 20% of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The government’s Climate Action Plan commits to ensuring Ireland’s buildings’ regulatory regime requires the installation of EV recharging infrastructure. This requires the introduction of regulations to provide for installation of EV recharging infrastructure in certain dwellings and buildings where parking spaces are within their boundaries or adjacent to them.
For more information read the Government Paper. Click on the link below to download from